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okd-installer - Getting Started

TODO / WIP page

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Overview of the stack delivered by Ansible Collectio okd-installer:

  • okd-installer's specific Ansible Playbook and Roles
  • generic cloud provisioning Ansible Roles

TODO Content for Getting started


  • Quick Install
  • Quick Setup
  • Quick Create Cluster
  • Quick Test
  • References more Installing Guides

See Next


TODO review and distribute items below to specific docs:

Install Ansible Collection okd-installer

Install and configure Ansible

  • Install Ansible

    pip3 instlal requirements.txt

  • Create the configuration

cat << EOF > ./ansible.cfg
 $ cat ansible.cfg 

Install the Collection

git clone collections/ansible_collections/mtulio/okd_installer/

Install the OpenShift Clients

The binary path of the clients used by installer is ${HOME}/.ansible/okd-installer/bin, so the utilities like openshift-installer and oc should be present in this path.

To check if the clients used by installer is present, run the client check:

ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.install_clients

To install you should have one valid pull secret file path exported to the environment variable CONFIG_PULL_SECRET_FILE. Example:

export CONFIG_PULL_SECRET_FILE=/home/mtulio/.openshift/pull-secret-latest.json

To install the clients you can run set the version and run:

ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.install_clients -e version=4.11.4

Example of configuration

This is one example how to create the configuration.

Export the environment variables

The environment variables is the only steps supported at this moment. We will add more examples in the future to create your own playbook setting the your custom variables.

Generate the Configuration

To generate the install config, you must set variables (defined above) and the cluster_name:

ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.config \
    -e mode=create \
    -e cluster_name=${CONFIG_CLUSTER_NAME}

The install-config.yaml will be available on the path: ${HOME}/.ansible/okd-installer/clusters/${CONFIG_CLUSTER_NAME}/install-config.yaml.